
“We see the rapid pace of digital innovation not as a challenge, but as a massive opportunity for collaboration and success between the economies of Europe and the U.S.”

What we do.


    From Technology to Healthcare, we partner industry, talent, policy and passion to innovate and create opportunity.


    We believe the virtual world has made travel easier, better and more meaningful and those connections now last longer.


    There are borderless industries and ideas that work best starting with people you trust. We build that trust through research.


    Serious problems need innovation and collaborative concepts if humans are to survive. Solving these problems will also be profitable.


    What if the best way to drive retention is to let your workforce wander productively?

Why we do it

Labor Market Dilemmas

The demographic shift in Europe  is causing significant labor shortages due to a decrease in the working-age population. For example, Italy's working-age population (15 to 64 years old) has shrunk from 66.4% in 2000 to 57.9% in 2020, signaling a crucial labor market contraction.

Strained Public Finance

The rising proportion of elderly people increases the burden on public finances due to the higher spending on pensions, healthcare, and other age-related benefits. A case in point is Spain, where public expenditure on pensions has climbed from 11.1% of GDP in 2015 to 12.5% in 2020.

Economic Growth Hurdles

The potential for economic growth is being impeded by a declining working-age population and fewer young people. Greece's projected GDP growth, for instance, was lowered from 1.9% to 1.1% in 2023, reflecting this reality.

Healthcare and Social Care Demand Surge

The mounting needs of an aging population can put a severe strain on existing healthcare and social services. According to estimates, Italy will require an additional 30,000 healthcare workers by 2025 to meet the increased demand.